We've just taken delivery of a pair of
Sonus Faber Amati Futura loudspeakers for our demo room and....wow! These speakers look drop-dead gorgeous and they sound it too.
The level of detail they extract from quality recordings is stunning, presenting you with a new perspective on favourite tracks and rendering old classics very much new again.
Art meets science
Sonus Faber are renowned for both their traditional craftsmanship and their technical innovation. This loudspeaker has both in spades.
The finish has to be seen to be believed - they look every penny of their price tag (more on that later!), but in the technology department there are a raft of innovations in both the electronics as well as the acoustic department.

Full details on the Amati Futura can be found
here, but we urge you to come in and have a listen (bring some favourite recordings!) so you can discover for yourself what the perfect combination of art and science can deliver.
Ultra Audio had this to say:
"The Sonus faber Amati Futura is a speaker system in which all the various parts and pieces combine perfectly into a beautiful, complete whole. The Futura was conceived by people who understand that the sum of great parts is not enough to make a special loudspeaker. And this is a special loudspeaker."
Read the full Ultra Audio
Amati Futura review.
Sonus Faber's recommended retail price for the Amati Futura is $40,000 per pair.