At Living Sound + Vision we look after all products we sell. If your electronics or speakers are in need of some attention you can be assured they are in good hands here.

Turntables and Speakers

We only repair* certain brands of Turntables and Speakers. Please call us to disscuss options and pricing. 

Products purchased from us within Warranty

If you have purchased a product from us and is still within warranty. Please contact us to disscuss options. 

Products purchased from us outside of Warranty

We do not service products outside of warranty. If you wish to have your product repaired, we can reccomend authorised service agents within your area. 

We have access to Authorised Service Agents conducting warranty repairs for products sold by us in Brisbane for:
  • McIntosh
  • Yamaha
  • Anthem
  • Sony
  • Rega
  • NAD
  • Moon
  • Dynaudio
  • Paradigm
  • Luxman
  • Mobile Fidelity Electronics
  • Sonus Faber
  • Krix
  • Ruark
  • Bluesound


Products we do not accept:

  • PA equipment
  • DJ equiptment 

Call us on (07) 3552 7000 to book your equipment in for repair or to check on current turn-around times.

Please note that all repairs are conducted off site and by sub contractors*